Our nursery complies with UK plant health policies. We also pride ourselves on a strong internal biosecurity policy.
Reducing the movement of plants across borders minimises the risk of pest introduction into the UK, therefore we do not import any trees from outside of Great Britain, nor do we buy from nurseries that do so. We follow biosecurity requirements when purchasing seed, as laid out in The Plant Health Guide for Importers (APHA). Seed imports are reported to PHSI (Plant Health and Seed Inspectorate) where required.
Our staff are trained on awareness and identification of pests. Individuals are required to thoroughly disinfect footwear when returning from any external sites. Nursery visitors are also requested to disinfect footwear before entering any growing areas.
Qualified members of staff regularly inspect our trees for pests and diseases. Records of each crop inspection are written and kept on file. Staff keep up to date with current plant health matters through training days, consultants, industry body events and regulatory communications. Plant material, soil, and water from the nursery are tested regularly for pests and diseases. Additionally, our crops are regularly inspected by Forest Research and APHA (Animal and Plant Health Agency).
We are authorised to issue plant passports, which certify that our trees are from a quarantine disease-free area and can be exported into other disease-free areas.
We are and have always been a nursery free from quarantine diseases.
As a grower and supplier of Forest Reproductive Material, Trebrown Nurseries recognises its responsibility to prevent the introduction and spread of plant pests and diseases. We are committed to the implementation and continuous improvement of biosecurity practices and controls both on our nurseries and in our supply chain. The following practices are adhered to
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.